GDDH 2016/17

The Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities has established a forum for the discussion of digital methods applied to all areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences, including Classics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Law, Languages, Archaeology and more. The initiative is organised by eTRAP with the involvement of DARIAH.EU.

The dialogs will take place throughout the year in the form of 90-minute seminars. Presentations will be 45 minutes long and delivered in English, followed by 45 minutes of discussion and student participation. Seminars will be advertised weeks in advance via the GDDH mailing list, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Unless otherwise requested by the speaker, the dialogs will be video-recorded and subsequently uploaded to our YouTube channel. Presentation slides will be collected by the organisers on presentation day and made available for download on this page. It is the responsibility of the speakers to ensure that all materials presented are duly credited and rights cleared.

Photos of the seminars can be viewed here. The Twitter feed of this series is available under the #gddh16 hashtag in 2016 and #gddh17 in 2017.

Seminar calendar

Day Title Speaker(s) Affiliation Room Slides Video
16 January 2017 (14:30-16:30) Leipzig BSc Bachelor Programme in Digital Humanities Dr. Uta Kremer University of Leipzig, Germany GWDG,  Geiststraße 10, 37073 Göttingen, Eingang ‘Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen’ Besprechungsraum 0.142 Slides Coming soon
30 November 2016 (18:00-20:30) What is the appropriate authorship attribution method for Elizabethan drama? Prof. Sir Brian Vickers University College London, UK Conference Room, SUB Historical Building, Papendiek 14, Göttingen No slides. Full paper + matching collocations Video


BMBFThis event is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (No. 01UG1509).


Previous editions

Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities 2016
Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities 2015
