
Links resolve to publication webpages. Freely accessible publications are also available via our GoeScholar repository.

When citing our work, and where possible, please include our Federal Ministry of Education and Research project number: No. 01UG1509



Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

Book Chapters

  • Büchler, M., Burns, P. R., Müller, M., Franzini, E., Franzini, G. (2014) ‘Towards a Historical Text Re-use Detection‘, In: Biemann, C. and Mehler, A. (eds.) Text Mining, Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  • Büchler, M., Geßner, A., Berti, M. and Eckart, T. (2013) ‘Measuring the Influence of a Work by Text Re-Use’, In: Dunn, S. and Mahony, S. (eds.) Digital Classicist Supplement: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Wiley-Blackwell.

Graded Readers


  • Franzini, G. (forthcoming 2018) A New Republic of Letters by Jerome McGann (Harvard University Press, 2014). Reviewed in Variants, 14. Revues.
  • Franzini, G. (2017) Spectateurs (in Italian). Reviewed in RIDE – A review journal for digital editions and resources – Special Issue on Text Collections and Corpora. 6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/ride.a.6.6
  • Franzini, G. (2015) Digital Critical Editions by Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle, and Philippe Régnier (University of Illinois Press, 2014). Reviewed in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 30(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqv025

Edited Volumes and Special Issues


Invited Talks


  • Büchler, M. ‘Challenges and implications of historical text reuse detection on big data’, Computational Methods for Literary-Historical Textual Studies, De Montfort University, Leicester, July 3.











  • Büchler, M.Scaling Historical Text Reuse‘, 2nd Workshop on Big Humanities Data. IEEE Big Data 2014. Washington DC, October 27.
  • Büchler, M. ‘Historical Text Re-use Detection in Computational Humanities’, Workshop on bridging the gap between Computer Science and Digital Humanities. Leipzig, July 22.
  • Büchler, M. ‘eTRAP – Historische Text Re-use Erkennung’ Göttinger philologisches Forum. Göttingen, July 10.
  • Büchler, M. ‘Historical Text Re-use Detection’. University of Konstanz, June 11.
  • Büchler, M. ‘Introduction: Requirements for a Digital Ecosystem’, International workshop on computer aided processing of intertextuality in ancient languages. Lyon, France, June 2.
  • Büchler, M. ‘Computational Aspects of Historical Text Re-use’, International workshop on computer aided processing of intertextuality in ancient languages. Lyon, France, June 2-4.
  • Büchler, M. ‘eTRAP: The Electronic Text Re-use Acquisition Project: Aims and Objectives’, Conference on Intertextuality and Digital Humanities: Approaches, Methods, Trends. Sponsored by Hardt Foundation. Vandoeuvres, Switzerland, February 13-15.
  • Büchler, M. ‘Big Data in the Humanities’, Big Data Workshop. IBM Research Center, Böblingen, January 30.



  • Büchler, M. TRACER tutorial at Kloster Jakobsberg (16-17 July, Ockenheim, Germany).
  • Franzini, G. TRACER tutorial at Universiteit Antwerpen (16 March, Antwerp, Belgium).


  • Büchler, M. TRACER tutorial at the workshop “Digital Tools for the Analysis of Historical Text Corpora” at Universiteit van Amsterdam (19 December, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
  • Franzini, G. TRACER tutorial at the workshop “Digital tools for the analysis of literary texts” at Università di Verona (24-26 October, Verona, Italy).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Moritz, M. TRACER tutorial at DATeCH 2017 Conference (30 May, Göttingen, Germany).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G., Franzini, E. TRACER tutorial at Sixth AIUCD Annual Conference in collaboration with the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) (23-24 January, Roma, Italy).


  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G., Franzini, E. TRACER tutorial at Fifth AIUCD Annual Conference (6-7 September, Venezia, Italy).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Moritz, M. TRACER tutorial at Digital Humanities 2016 (11 July, Kraków, Poland).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G. TRACER workshop (24 February, Galway, Ireland).


  • Büchler, M., Franzini, E., Moritz, M. Text Reuse Workshop at Digital Humanities Estonia 2015 (19-21 October, Tartu, Estonia).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, E. Text Reuse Hackathon at Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiography 2015 (25-26 September, London, UK).
  • Büchler, M., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Moritz, M. Digital Humanities Hackathon on Text Reuse “Don’t leave your data problems at home!” (27-31.07, Göttingen, Germany).

Reports, Manuals


  • Steding, D. (2017) EnsembleForest: A Classifier Combination Method on the example of Part-of-Speech Tagging. Bachelor’s Thesis. Göttingen.
  • Solhdoust, M. (2016) Text Reuse at Web-Scale – Online vs. Offline Text Reuse. Master’s Thesis. Göttingen.
  • Yinyeh, O. (2016) Analysing and Mining the Usage Patterns of Linguistic Web Service. Master’s Thesis. Göttingen.
  • Büchler, M. (2013) Informationstechnische Aspekte des Historical Text Re-use (English: Computational Aspects of Historical Text Re-use). PhD Thesis. Leipzig.

Data-sets, tools

Academic service

Marco Büchler

Greta Franzini

Eleonora Litta

Maria Moritz

Melina Jander

Gabriela Rotari

Awards & bursaries

  • Jander, M. (2018) Gerda Henkel Stiftung travel award. DHd 2018, Köln, Germany.
  • Jander, M. (2017) U4 Network Fellowship. Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Moritz, M. (2017) ADHO bursary for submission entitled ‘Text Reuse in Bernard de Clairvaux: How Do Lexical Resources Help Model Text Reuse?’. DH 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • Franzini, E. & Franzini, G. (2016) ADHO bursary for submission entitled ‘The Digital Breadcrumbs of Brothers Grimm’. DH 2016, Kraków, Poland.